Is it kosher to only write briefs reviews of films that have already wasted enough of my life? I think so. To summarize this film in two words, I would have to say – Wasted. Talent. For the first two acts we have Denzel communicating with the madman that has taken over train Pelham 123, and Travolta who parades around the traincar yelling, cursing, and randomly killing people so that we know he’s serious. Ooohhhh, he’s serious now! The last act is Denzel delivering the ransom money, chasing Travolta throughout New York, and then ultimately facing down with him on top of the Manhattan Bridge. That’s the whole film. There is a non-cute little tie-up regarding Travolta’s past and how he’s taking revenge on the system for making him lose money or something. But we don't really care anyways. Don’t waste your time.
Tony Scott, world renown director (TRUE ROMANCE, ENEMY OF THE STATE, MAN ON FIRE) misses the mark here. The film of course is beautifully shot, and luckily watching it on blu-ray had some saving quality for me. However, a beautiful film doesn’t make up for a lack of story and emotional attachment to the characters. Honestly, at the end of the film I could’ve cared less if everyone died. I had no bond to them whatsoever. P.S. If you want to really get the most out of your nice 1080p LED HDTV, watch films that have heavy building-scapes, and cars in them. Buildings and cars look amazing in pure HD.
A lot of the scenes seemed useless, like the ridiculously lame police car racing scene where they had to get the money to the station - just unrealistic and too long. Another sequence that bugged me was where the traincar was runaway and everyone inside was freaking out. I understand why it was needed for the film, but there was no need for those cheesy b-film shots of the traincar in ultra, choppy slow-motion. It looked terrible and removed probably that last guy who was on board with this film.
There was one scene that was kind of fun. The one where the two other villains get their due. It was kind of like an amen for the police officers of New York City. I felt as if those two embodied all of the hate, terrorism, and evil people have been dealing with in NYC and the PO’s really let them have it. It was gratifying.
I guess I will watch the original and see if there is a story there, because for me, this film lacked story, character development/change/attachment, and overall substance. I’ll give it 2 out of 10 stars - One star for each top-brow actor as a condolence for taking part in this film.
Rating: 2/10
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