Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The beginning of this film really showed promise. It started off extremely in an extreme epic fashion, which made me excited about the final battle between the angels. However, it quickly became the run-of-the-mill shoot-em’ flick with useless relationship subplots thrown underneath everything. The film follows a group of people that are holed up in an old restaurant in the middle of the desert as the end times begin to kick into gear. The archangel Michael has left the heavens to come down and fight to save man by insuring that the predestined child is born. Definitely not a very well thought out concept. One of the first intense scenes involves an old lady that comes in and has a nice conversation with some of the restaurants patrons. I have to say that that was one of my favorite parts of the film. The sound design and editing was very effective in creeping out the audience. Towards the end is the epic battle between Gabriel and Michael – the two head honcho angels. At least it should have been epic. Instead, we get a sloppy bar fight with some more advanced weaponry. I wanted them to be flying in the air and bashing each other off mountains or something, but I guess that would’ve been a little too over the top.

Legion Trailer Here

Over the course of the film you really don’t develop any attachment to any of the characters and the situation they are put in are laughable at best. If they would’ve just kept the first several minutes of the films’ tone and continued with that it would’ve been a much better film all around.

For me this was an action end of days flick that fell on its face. I wouldn’t waste your time if I was you.

Rating: 5/10

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